When we design and develop your website we also provide it's hosting.

Hosting is performed on top-of-the-line dedicated servers that host no more than 50 websites at once. Performance is excellent and these servers are maintained for you behind the scenes with almost zero downtime.

As your website is designed specifically for our hosting platform and hosted by us, there is no middle man, we do everything in house. If you believe there is an issue we'll be happy to listen to your concerns and take any appropriate steps to resolve your issue without needing to reach out elsehwere. 

Why don't we offer shared hosting on GoDaddy, Wix, WordPress or any of the other lower cost hosting platforms out there?

Been there, done that, got burned.

When Regal Computer Services first started out we utilized GoDaddy and the performance was not what we hoped for, such as shared Database servers were slow and often became bogged down by someone else's website that was generating excessive server demand. Sure, GoDaddy will happily migrate you to a new server, at which point your website will cease to work and you'll have to spend hours getting it fixed with little to no help from whoever you are paying hosting fees to.

At the end of the day, we value our customers and want them to have the most reliable hosting platform with the best uptime and have full control over the back-end. To meet that goal we use dedicated servers with low numbers of customers on each server which really makes the end result a robust well-performing website with no browsing lag time.

A Regal Computer Services website is a custom website, utilizing technology developed specifically for our customers with an advanced database backend and this technology works best when it's been setup skillfully by someone that designed it. With shared hosting, you're not able to apply that level of customization, as there are limits to what can be done and therefore handicapping your business.

Most people that start out on shared hosting come to find out that if they are successful, they need to migrate to a higher grade hosting package / dedicated services.

With us you will have that premium hosting package right off the bat, at great pricing and eliminating the need for migration and/or potential problems down the line. 

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